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the salt cellar

Grey Sea Salt fine

Grey Sea Salt fine

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Grey Sea Salt is a completely natural and unrefined sea salt from France. Also known as French grey, Sel Gris, or Celtic sea salt. This salt is harvested using traditional Celtic methods. High in minerals and nutrients, the French salts are known to be among the best tasting. Currently our grey salt is available in four grain sizes. from smallest to largest; Velvet, Fine, Coarse, Heavy Coarse.


Grey sea salt is a type of sea salt that is less processed than other salts, allowing for higher moisture and trace minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It is commonly used in cooking, baking, and as a seasoning for various dishes. Given its nutrition and flavour advantages, Celtic sea salt can benefit most healthy adults who enjoy cooking. Some people who may especially appreciate Celtic sea salt include athletes, as it helps replenish minerals lost in sweat

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